First-principles nonequilibrium Green’s function approach to the correlated electron dynamics of atoms, molecules and solids
the LACUS Day, February 14th 2018
First-principles nonequilibrium Green’s function approach to the correlated electron dynamics of atoms, molecules and solids
the LACUS Day, February 14th 2018
Well. Matter of discussion was Hartree-Fock Theory.
Yeah! Top of the top!
First time ever on twitter! And it was not my post 😮
Teaching Yambo in Trieste. Lot’s of fun (maybe) 😉
AREA Science Park, 34149 Basovizza, Trieste
The (Materials design at the Exascale) center, the Istituto per la Struttura della Materia of the CNR (), the NEWLI project and the sponsor the first Yambo-EIS (Elastic and Inelastic Scattering beamline) Meeting.
Left to right: Emiliano Principi (Beamline scientist EIS-TIMEX/TIMER), Alberto Simoncig (PostDoc), me, Laura Foglia (PostDoc), Riccardo Mincigrucci (PostDoc)
Emiliano Principi (Beamline scientist EIS-TIMEX/TIMER) and me
Next Wednesday I will give an official Colloquium talk in the Physics and Materials Science Research Unit at the University of Luxembourg.
It will be an exciting chance to give an introductory and didactic review of the Ultrafast science.
In August I gave a long and exciting talk about Ultrafast electronic processes at the 2016 CAMD Summer School on Electronic Structure Theory and Materials Design.
It was a beautiful experience with the audience filled of many interested students.
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