% Yambo test suite ERRORs log
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-22-Sun - 23-26
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[serial] - none
% Section Duration : 1:58:12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-23-Mon - 01-14
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[(N=4)] - single, random parallelization
% Section Duration : 2:30:43 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-23-Mon - 03-44
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[(N=4)] - single, default parallelization
He/GW/01_hf-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc  :  NO REFERENCE/o-01_hf.hf in OUTPUT 
He/GW/01_hf-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc  :  NO REFERENCE/o-01_hf.ndb.HF_and_locXC in OUTPUT 
% Section Duration : 1:30:5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-23-Mon - 05-14
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[(Threads=4)] - none
% Section Duration : 1:45:21 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% TOTAL   Duration : 7:44:20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Yambo test suite WHITELISTED files log
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-22-Sun - 23-26
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[serial] - none
AlAs/RT/02_rt_sin-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_rt_sin.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#1553) @COL#  9 is   88812.     [REF] vs  -6492.1     [OUT] corresponding to  15.833     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/08_qssin_adaptative-serial-devel-slepc/o-08_qssin_adaptative.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#3688) @COL#  8 is -0.16899E+06 [REF] vs  -86345.     [OUT] corresponding to  37.004     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_tdh-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_tdh.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 211) @COL#  9 is  0.20846E-02 [REF] vs  -22.427     [OUT] corresponding to  234.11     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_tdh_coll-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_tdh_coll.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 589) @COL#  9 is  0.87886E-02 [REF] vs  -1.6330     [OUT] corresponding to  454.16     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda.energy  : VALUE(# 927) @COL#  3 is  0.36528E-08 [REF] vs -0.16958E-07 [OUT] corresponding to  148.90     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  12) @COL#  9 is  0.68829E-02 [REF] vs   1.6936     [OUT] corresponding to  64.961     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda_coll-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda_coll.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   9) @COL#  9 is -0.83345E-02 [REF] vs  -1.2972     [OUT] corresponding to  99.384     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_sort-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_sort.exc_E_sorted  : VALUE(#   4) @COL#  2 is  0.92257     [REF] vs  0.98074     [OUT] corresponding to  5.8169     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_sort-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_sort.exc_I_sorted  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  2 is  0.92257     [REF] vs  0.98074     [OUT] corresponding to  5.8169     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_td_hf-serial-devel-slepc/o-05_td_hf.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  35) @COL#  8 is   2656.7     [REF] vs   2889.7     [OUT] corresponding to  5.2518     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  19) @COL#  8 is   5096.6     [REF] vs  -1702.3     [OUT] corresponding to  133.40     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_Gvec-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_Gvec.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 186) @COL#  8 is   2910.4     [REF] vs   10968.     [OUT] corresponding to  222.09     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  48) @COL#  3 is  0.50883E-05 [REF] vs  0.87250E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  71.472     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 142) @COL#  8 is -0.22310E+06 [REF] vs -0.10949E+11 [OUT] corresponding to 0.49074E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/07_td_sex_restart-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_td_sex_restart.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  75) @COL#  8 is  -1196.1     [REF] vs  -14701.     [OUT] corresponding to  343.56     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_td_sex_DbGd_fake-serial-devel-slepc/o-09_td_sex_DbGd_fake.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 142) @COL# 10 is -0.42018E+07 [REF] vs -0.28027E+07 [OUT] corresponding to  33.298     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_td_sex_dbgd-serial-devel-slepc/o-11_td_sex_dbgd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 131) @COL#  4 is  0.58944E-09 [REF] vs  0.53063E-09 [OUT] corresponding to  9.4435     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   4) @COL#  2 is  0.50436E-09 [REF] vs  0.62732E-09 [OUT] corresponding to  17.025     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  8 is   733.34     [REF] vs   789.76     [OUT] corresponding to  7.6925     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip_vel-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip_vel.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  60) @COL#  8 is  -9123.7     [REF] vs  -13638.     [OUT] corresponding to  11.337     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  77) @COL#  8 is  -25.778     [REF] vs   50798.     [OUT] corresponding to  88.574     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   6) @COL#  8 is   33000.     [REF] vs  0.22899E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  225.53     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  42) @COL#  4 is  0.18316E-08 [REF] vs -0.12459E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  46201.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  38) @COL#  8 is   8261.1     [REF] vs -0.45448E+09 [OUT] corresponding to 0.47582E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ep-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_ep.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  99) @COL#  8 is  0.16419E+06 [REF] vs  -2445.9     [OUT] corresponding to  101.49     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   6) @COL#  2 is   22140.     [REF] vs   7.7400     [OUT] corresponding to  44.559     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 965) @COL# 10 is -0.71530E-06 [REF] vs -0.59600E-06 [OUT] corresponding to  14.296     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 247) @COL#  7 is -0.98110E-04 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  100.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   6) @COL#  2 is  0.27800E+08 [REF] vs   6640.0     [OUT] corresponding to  6.4099     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ep_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-08_ep_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  33) @COL#  8 is  -47206.     [REF] vs   91914.     [OUT] corresponding to  178.40     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_dos_occ_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_dos_occ_DbGd.YPP-2D_occ_dos  : VALUE(# 121) @COL#  2 is  0.80000     [REF] vs -0.79000     [OUT] corresponding to  53.000     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_plot_occ_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_plot_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_k3_kRT16_b24  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  7 is   33.100     [REF] vs   14.400     [OUT] corresponding to  43.503     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_elel.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   19449.     [REF] vs   19449.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.19434E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_elel.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  89) @COL# 10 is -0.15789E+06 [REF] vs  0.15789E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  200.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel_SEX-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_elel_SEX.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   25180.     [REF] vs   25181.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.10840E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_fit_elel-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_fit_elel.YPP-RT_NEQ_linewidths  : VALUE(#  11) @COL# 12 is  0.16730E-02 [REF] vs  0.50690E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  59.298     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel+elph_0K-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_elel+elph_0K.energy  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   1.7520     [REF] vs  0.76698     [OUT] corresponding to  56.222     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel_plasma-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_elel_plasma.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  93) @COL# 10 is  0.15789E+06 [REF] vs  -78944.     [OUT] corresponding to  150.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_NEQ_linewidths  : VALUE(#  17) @COL# 11 is -0.13180E-02 [REF] vs -0.57780E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  44.422     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_elph_0K_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_elph_0K_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  67) @COL# 10 is  0.13117E+07 [REF] vs  0.12121E+07 [OUT] corresponding to  7.5955     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#  11) @COL#  4 is   0.0000     [REF] vs  -1.2262     [OUT] corresponding to 0.61310E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_EP_widths_ratio_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#1000) @COL# 12 is   0.0000     [REF] vs  -1.9993     [OUT] corresponding to 0.99965E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 847) @COL# 12 is  -1.1229     [REF] vs -0.92675     [OUT] corresponding to  9.8186     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  4 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   2681.0     [OUT] corresponding to 0.13405E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/12_elph_0K_field-serial-devel-slepc/o-12_elph_0K_field.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 112) @COL#  8 is -0.14609E+08 [REF] vs -0.10957E+08 [OUT] corresponding to  25.000     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/13_elph_0K_field_ad-serial-devel-slepc/o-13_elph_0K_field_ad.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 112) @COL#  8 is -0.14609E+08 [REF] vs -0.10957E+08 [OUT] corresponding to  25.000     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/14_plot_0K_field_ad-serial-devel-slepc/o-14_plot_0K_field_ad.YPP-RT_occupations_k2_kRT2_b2  : VALUE(# 186) @COL#  4 is -0.25343E-04 [REF] vs -0.22967E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  6.8186     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/14_plot_0K_field_ad-serial-devel-slepc/o-14_plot_0K_field_ad.YPP-RT_occupations_k3_kRT3_b2  : VALUE(# 187) @COL#  4 is -0.44350E-04 [REF] vs -0.34850E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  17.641     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/15_td_sex-serial-devel-slepc/o-15_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 145) @COL#  9 is  -29604.     [REF] vs   29604.     [OUT] corresponding to  150.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_using_colls-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_h_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  3 is  0.23242     [REF] vs  0.22644E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  209.78     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_td_sex-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 409) @COL#  8 is  0.61471E+08 [REF] vs -0.38840E+08 [OUT] corresponding to  163.18     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/05_td_sex_on_the_fly-serial-devel-slepc/o-05_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  98) @COL#  3 is -0.53960E-06 [REF] vs -0.39945E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  478.88     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/05_td_sex_on_the_fly-serial-devel-slepc/o-05_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  77) @COL#  8 is  -37074.     [REF] vs  0.27457E+10 [OUT] corresponding to 0.74060E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_epl-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_epl.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 269) @COL#  8 is -0.88688E+06 [REF] vs  0.33699E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  138.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  2 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   9.4363     [OUT] corresponding to  151.72     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 998) @COL#  5 is   0.0000     [REF] vs -0.13470E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  6.7350     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  2 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   8297.0     [OUT] corresponding to  119.64     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/08_epc-serial-devel-slepc/o-08_epc.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  29) @COL#  8 is   97703.     [REF] vs   89519.     [OUT] corresponding to  8.3761     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/10_epc500K-serial-devel-slepc/o-10_epc500K.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  39) @COL#  8 is   1232.0     [REF] vs   29392.     [OUT] corresponding to  129.16     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/11_epcshift-serial-devel-slepc/o-11_epcshift.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  31) @COL# 10 is -0.26707E+06 [REF] vs  0.19010E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  171.18     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
% Section Duration : 1:58:12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-23-Mon - 01-14
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[(N=4)] - single, random parallelization
AlAs/RT/02_rt_sin-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_rt_sin.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#1553) @COL#  9 is   88812.     [REF] vs  -6751.8     [OUT] corresponding to  15.876     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/08_qssin_adaptative-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_qssin_adaptative.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#3688) @COL#  8 is -0.16899E+06 [REF] vs  -83878.     [OUT] corresponding to  38.108     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_tdh-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_tdh.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 840) @COL#  9 is -0.28955E-02 [REF] vs  -28.686     [OUT] corresponding to  299.39     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_tdh_coll-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_tdh_coll.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 589) @COL#  9 is  0.87886E-02 [REF] vs  -1.6330     [OUT] corresponding to  454.16     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda.energy  : VALUE(# 927) @COL#  3 is  0.36528E-08 [REF] vs -0.14157E-07 [OUT] corresponding to  128.66     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  12) @COL#  9 is  0.68829E-02 [REF] vs   1.6936     [OUT] corresponding to  64.961     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda_coll-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda_coll.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   9) @COL#  9 is -0.83345E-02 [REF] vs  -1.2972     [OUT] corresponding to  99.384     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_sort-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_sort.exc_E_sorted  : VALUE(#   4) @COL#  2 is  0.92257     [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  7.7428     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_sort-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_sort.exc_I_sorted  : VALUE(#  23) @COL#  3 is   13.000     [REF] vs   25.000     [OUT] corresponding to  37.500     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_td_hf-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-05_td_hf.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  35) @COL#  8 is   2656.7     [REF] vs   3449.1     [OUT] corresponding to  17.856     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  19) @COL# 10 is   23682.     [REF] vs   16620.     [OUT] corresponding to  29.822     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_Gvec-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_Gvec.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 186) @COL#  8 is   2910.4     [REF] vs   7800.6     [OUT] corresponding to  134.78     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  48) @COL#  3 is  0.50883E-05 [REF] vs  0.87413E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  71.793     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 163) @COL#  8 is  -269.93     [REF] vs -0.31051E+10 [OUT] corresponding to 0.13918E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_vel-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_vel.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 190) @COL#  8 is   2280.7     [REF] vs   2140.4     [OUT] corresponding to  6.1497     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/07_td_sex_restart-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_td_sex_restart.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  75) @COL# 10 is  -81204.     [REF] vs  -40016.     [OUT] corresponding to  50.722     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_td_sex_DbGd_fake-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-09_td_sex_DbGd_fake.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 142) @COL# 10 is -0.42018E+07 [REF] vs  0.13381E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  103.18     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_td_sex_dbgd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-11_td_sex_dbgd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  79) @COL# 10 is -0.27942E+06 [REF] vs -0.41534E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  48.646     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Iron/abinit/Without-SOC/05_KERR_IP-RPA_len-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-05_KERR_IP-RPA_len.moke_q1_IP  : VALUE(# 399) @COL#  2 is  0.69070E-08 [REF] vs  0.65580E-07 [OUT] corresponding to  5.4886     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Iron/abinit/Without-SOC/05_KERR_IP-RPA_vel-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-05_KERR_IP-RPA_vel.moke_q1_IP  : VALUE(#  46) @COL#  3 is -0.21080E-05 [REF] vs -0.17510E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  15.522     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Iron/abinit/Without-SOC/05_KERR_IP-RPA_vel-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-05_KERR_IP-RPA_vel.off_q1_IP  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  2 is  0.18080E-03 [REF] vs  0.16270E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  10.011     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   4) @COL#  2 is  0.50436E-09 [REF] vs  0.62732E-09 [OUT] corresponding to  17.025     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  8 is   733.34     [REF] vs   789.76     [OUT] corresponding to  7.6925     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip_vel-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip_vel.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  60) @COL#  8 is  -9123.7     [REF] vs  -13638.     [OUT] corresponding to  11.337     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  45) @COL#  8 is  -57380.     [REF] vs  0.63045E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  1198.7     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  15) @COL#  8 is  -86902.     [REF] vs -0.57881E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  566.05     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  42) @COL#  4 is  0.18316E-08 [REF] vs -0.12459E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  46201.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  38) @COL#  8 is   8261.1     [REF] vs -0.45440E+09 [OUT] corresponding to 0.47574E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ep-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ep.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 100) @COL#  8 is -0.12083E+06 [REF] vs   2369.5     [OUT] corresponding to  75.033     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   6) @COL#  4 is  0.31630E+07 [REF] vs   7.9750     [OUT] corresponding to  100.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_EP_widths_ratio_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 969) @COL#  2 is -0.35760E-06 [REF] vs -0.47680E-06 [OUT] corresponding to  12.499     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 612) @COL# 10 is  0.17150E-04 [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  112.27     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 969) @COL#  7 is   0.0000     [REF] vs -0.11180E-02 [OUT] corresponding to 0.23448E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 670) @COL# 10 is  0.58260     [REF] vs  0.47470     [OUT] corresponding to  10.790     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  3 is -0.98110E-04 [REF] vs -0.39025     [OUT] corresponding to 0.39767E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 612) @COL# 10 is  0.17180E-04 [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  112.03     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  7 is -0.13730E-03 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  100.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  2 is  0.27830E+08 [REF] vs  0.14200E+11 [OUT] corresponding to  3268.5     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ep_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ep_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  32) @COL#  8 is  -77980.     [REF] vs  -20286.     [OUT] corresponding to  73.986     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_dos_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_dos_occ_DbGd.YPP-2D_occ_dos  : VALUE(# 121) @COL#  2 is  0.80000     [REF] vs -0.79000     [OUT] corresponding to  53.000     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   5) @COL#  7 is  -1.0325     [REF] vs -0.33390E+06 [OUT] corresponding to 0.10144E+08 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  7 is  0.62120E-01 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  100.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#1000) @COL# 11 is -0.19570E-03 [REF] vs -0.18300E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  6.4895     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 868) @COL#  3 is  0.10040E-06 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  10.078     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#1000) @COL# 11 is -0.25930E-03 [REF] vs -0.23180E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  10.605     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   5) @COL#  7 is   2923.0     [REF] vs  0.49130E+09 [OUT] corresponding to 0.10502E+08 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_plot_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_plot_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_k3_kRT16_b24  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  7 is   33.100     [REF] vs   14.400     [OUT] corresponding to  43.503     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_300K-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_300K.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 190) @COL# 10 is  0.76157E+07 [REF] vs  0.68203E+07 [OUT] corresponding to  10.444     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_elel.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   19449.     [REF] vs   19449.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.10742E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_elel.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 104) @COL#  9 is  0.15789E+06 [REF] vs  -78944.     [OUT] corresponding to  150.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel_SEX-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_elel_SEX.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   25180.     [REF] vs   25181.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.36133E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_fit_elel-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_fit_elel.YPP-RT_NEQ_linewidths  : VALUE(#   1) @COL# 11 is -0.17440E-01 [REF] vs -0.84140E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  51.755     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel+elph_0K-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_elel+elph_0K.energy  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   1.7520     [REF] vs  0.76702     [OUT] corresponding to  56.219     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_elel_plasma.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  88) @COL#  9 is   39472.     [REF] vs -0.23683E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  140.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  3 is  -1.3164     [REF] vs  0.41393     [OUT] corresponding to  25.271     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_NEQ_linewidths  : VALUE(#   1) @COL# 11 is -0.10040E-01 [REF] vs -0.45620E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  54.562     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(#  28) @COL#  3 is  0.56571     [REF] vs   1.9946     [OUT] corresponding to  225.74     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  3 is   19840.     [REF] vs   274.20     [OUT] corresponding to  11.894     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#  11) @COL#  4 is   0.0000     [REF] vs  -1.2262     [OUT] corresponding to 0.61310E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_EP_widths_ratio_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#1000) @COL# 12 is   0.0000     [REF] vs  -1.9993     [OUT] corresponding to 0.99965E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 847) @COL# 12 is  -1.1229     [REF] vs -0.92675     [OUT] corresponding to  9.8186     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  4 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   2681.0     [OUT] corresponding to 0.13405E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/13_elph_0K_field_ad-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-13_elph_0K_field_ad.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 112) @COL#  8 is -0.14609E+08 [REF] vs -0.10956E+08 [OUT] corresponding to  25.004     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/14_plot_0K_field_ad-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-14_plot_0K_field_ad.YPP-RT_occupations_k2_kRT2_b2  : VALUE(# 186) @COL#  4 is -0.25343E-04 [REF] vs -0.22967E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  6.8186     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/14_plot_0K_field_ad-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-14_plot_0K_field_ad.YPP-RT_occupations_k3_kRT3_b2  : VALUE(# 187) @COL#  4 is -0.44350E-04 [REF] vs -0.34850E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  17.641     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_using_colls-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_h_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  3 is  0.23242     [REF] vs  0.40763E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  191.66     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_td_sex-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 409) @COL#  8 is  0.61471E+08 [REF] vs -0.63155E+07 [OUT] corresponding to  110.27     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/05_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-05_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  98) @COL#  3 is -0.53960E-06 [REF] vs -0.39945E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  478.88     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/05_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-05_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  77) @COL#  8 is  -37074.     [REF] vs  0.27672E+10 [OUT] corresponding to 0.74640E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_epl-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_epl.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 269) @COL#  8 is -0.88688E+06 [REF] vs  0.34834E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  139.28     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  2 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   9.4362     [OUT] corresponding to  151.72     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 999) @COL#  5 is   0.0000     [REF] vs -0.13470E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  6.7350     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  2 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   8297.0     [OUT] corresponding to  119.64     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/08_epc-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_epc.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  29) @COL#  8 is   97703.     [REF] vs   89411.     [OUT] corresponding to  8.4862     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/10_epc500K-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-10_epc500K.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  47) @COL#  9 is   25778.     [REF] vs  -6510.8     [OUT] corresponding to  17.255     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/11_epcshift-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-11_epcshift.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  31) @COL# 10 is -0.26707E+06 [REF] vs  0.19286E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  172.21     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
% Section Duration : 2:30:43 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-23-Mon - 03-44
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[(N=4)] - single, default parallelization
AlAs/RT/02_rt_sin-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_rt_sin.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#1553) @COL#  9 is   88812.     [REF] vs  -6751.8     [OUT] corresponding to  15.876     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/08_qssin_adaptative-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_qssin_adaptative.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#3688) @COL#  8 is -0.16899E+06 [REF] vs  -85728.     [OUT] corresponding to  37.280     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_tdh-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_tdh.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 840) @COL#  9 is -0.28955E-02 [REF] vs  -28.686     [OUT] corresponding to  299.39     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_tdh_coll-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_tdh_coll.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 589) @COL#  9 is  0.87886E-02 [REF] vs  -1.6330     [OUT] corresponding to  454.16     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda.energy  : VALUE(# 927) @COL#  3 is  0.36528E-08 [REF] vs -0.14157E-07 [OUT] corresponding to  128.66     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  12) @COL#  9 is  0.68829E-02 [REF] vs   1.6936     [OUT] corresponding to  64.961     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda_coll-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda_coll.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   9) @COL#  9 is -0.83345E-02 [REF] vs  -1.2972     [OUT] corresponding to  99.384     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_sort-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_sort.exc_E_sorted  : VALUE(#   4) @COL#  2 is  0.92257     [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  7.7428     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_sort-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_sort.exc_I_sorted  : VALUE(#  23) @COL#  3 is   13.000     [REF] vs   25.000     [OUT] corresponding to  37.500     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_td_hf-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-05_td_hf.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  35) @COL#  8 is   2656.7     [REF] vs   3495.7     [OUT] corresponding to  18.906     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  19) @COL# 10 is   23682.     [REF] vs   16621.     [OUT] corresponding to  29.817     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_Gvec-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_Gvec.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 186) @COL#  9 is  -42274.     [REF] vs  -22891.     [OUT] corresponding to  45.851     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  48) @COL#  3 is  0.50883E-05 [REF] vs  0.87413E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  71.792     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 163) @COL#  8 is  -269.93     [REF] vs -0.30334E+10 [OUT] corresponding to 0.13597E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/07_td_sex_restart-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_td_sex_restart.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  75) @COL# 10 is  -81204.     [REF] vs  -39812.     [OUT] corresponding to  50.973     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_td_sex_DbGd_fake-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-09_td_sex_DbGd_fake.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 142) @COL# 10 is -0.42018E+07 [REF] vs  0.13496E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  103.21     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_td_sex_dbgd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-11_td_sex_dbgd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  79) @COL# 10 is -0.27942E+06 [REF] vs -0.41577E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  48.798     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Iron/abinit/Without-SOC/05_KERR_IP-RPA_len-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-05_KERR_IP-RPA_len.moke_q1_IP  : VALUE(# 399) @COL#  2 is  0.69070E-08 [REF] vs  0.65580E-07 [OUT] corresponding to  5.4886     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  8 is   709.05     [REF] vs   748.05     [OUT] corresponding to  5.5002     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  8 is   733.34     [REF] vs   776.48     [OUT] corresponding to  5.8826     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip_vel-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip_vel.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  81) @COL#  8 is   16067.     [REF] vs   44.745     [OUT] corresponding to  40.240     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  45) @COL#  8 is  -57380.     [REF] vs  0.27702E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  582.79     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  15) @COL#  8 is  -86902.     [REF] vs -0.25424E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  192.56     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  42) @COL#  4 is  0.18316E-08 [REF] vs -0.12457E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  46195.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  38) @COL#  8 is   8261.1     [REF] vs -0.45460E+09 [OUT] corresponding to 0.47595E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ep-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ep.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 100) @COL#  8 is -0.12083E+06 [REF] vs   2372.2     [OUT] corresponding to  75.035     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   6) @COL#  4 is  0.31630E+07 [REF] vs   7.9750     [OUT] corresponding to  100.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_EP_widths_ratio_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 969) @COL#  2 is -0.35760E-06 [REF] vs -0.47680E-06 [OUT] corresponding to  12.499     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 612) @COL# 10 is  0.17150E-04 [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  112.27     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 969) @COL#  7 is   0.0000     [REF] vs -0.11180E-02 [OUT] corresponding to 0.23448E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 670) @COL# 10 is  0.58260     [REF] vs  0.47470     [OUT] corresponding to  10.790     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  3 is -0.98110E-04 [REF] vs -0.39025     [OUT] corresponding to 0.39767E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 612) @COL# 10 is  0.17180E-04 [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  112.03     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  7 is -0.13730E-03 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  100.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  2 is  0.27830E+08 [REF] vs  0.14200E+11 [OUT] corresponding to  3268.5     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ep_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ep_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  32) @COL#  8 is  -77980.     [REF] vs  -20002.     [OUT] corresponding to  74.350     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_dos_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_dos_occ_DbGd.YPP-2D_occ_dos  : VALUE(# 121) @COL#  2 is  0.80000     [REF] vs -0.79000     [OUT] corresponding to  53.000     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   5) @COL#  7 is  -1.0325     [REF] vs -0.33390E+06 [OUT] corresponding to 0.10144E+08 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  7 is  0.62120E-01 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  100.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#1000) @COL# 11 is -0.19570E-03 [REF] vs -0.18290E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  6.5406     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 868) @COL#  3 is  0.10040E-06 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  10.078     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#1000) @COL# 11 is -0.25930E-03 [REF] vs -0.23180E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  10.605     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   5) @COL#  7 is   2923.0     [REF] vs  0.49130E+09 [OUT] corresponding to 0.10502E+08 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_plot_occ_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_plot_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_k3_kRT16_b24  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  7 is   33.100     [REF] vs   14.400     [OUT] corresponding to  43.503     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_300K-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_300K.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 190) @COL# 10 is  0.76157E+07 [REF] vs  0.80893E+07 [OUT] corresponding to  6.2176     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_elel.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   19449.     [REF] vs   19449.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.20898E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_elel.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  93) @COL#  9 is  0.15789E+06 [REF] vs -0.11842E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  175.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel_SEX-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_elel_SEX.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   25180.     [REF] vs   25181.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.36133E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_fit_elel-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_fit_elel.YPP-RT_NEQ_linewidths  : VALUE(#   1) @COL# 11 is -0.17440E-01 [REF] vs -0.93260E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  46.525     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel+elph_0K-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_elel+elph_0K.energy  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   1.7520     [REF] vs  0.76700     [OUT] corresponding to  56.220     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_elel_plasma.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  87) @COL#  9 is  0.19736E+06 [REF] vs  -39472.     [OUT] corresponding to  120.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_NEQ_linewidths  : VALUE(#   1) @COL# 11 is -0.10040E-01 [REF] vs -0.46630E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  53.556     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_elph_0K_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  67) @COL# 10 is  0.13117E+07 [REF] vs  0.12121E+07 [OUT] corresponding to  7.5955     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#  11) @COL#  4 is   0.0000     [REF] vs  -1.2262     [OUT] corresponding to 0.61310E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_EP_widths_ratio_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#1000) @COL# 12 is   0.0000     [REF] vs  -1.9993     [OUT] corresponding to 0.99965E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 847) @COL# 12 is  -1.1229     [REF] vs -0.92675     [OUT] corresponding to  9.8186     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  4 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   2681.0     [OUT] corresponding to 0.13405E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/12_elph_0K_field-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-12_elph_0K_field.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 112) @COL#  8 is -0.14609E+08 [REF] vs -0.10956E+08 [OUT] corresponding to  25.004     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/13_elph_0K_field_ad-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-13_elph_0K_field_ad.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 112) @COL#  8 is -0.14609E+08 [REF] vs -0.10956E+08 [OUT] corresponding to  25.004     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/14_plot_0K_field_ad-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-14_plot_0K_field_ad.YPP-RT_occupations_k2_kRT2_b2  : VALUE(# 186) @COL#  4 is -0.25343E-04 [REF] vs -0.22967E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  6.8186     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/14_plot_0K_field_ad-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-14_plot_0K_field_ad.YPP-RT_occupations_k3_kRT3_b2  : VALUE(# 187) @COL#  4 is -0.44350E-04 [REF] vs -0.34850E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  17.641     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/15_td_sex-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-15_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 165) @COL#  9 is   39472.     [REF] vs  -9868.0     [OUT] corresponding to  125.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_using_colls-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_h_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  3 is  0.23242     [REF] vs  0.40763E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  191.66     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_td_sex-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 409) @COL#  8 is  0.61471E+08 [REF] vs -0.17777E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  100.29     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   8) @COL#  4 is   8.8827     [REF] vs   14.957     [OUT] corresponding to  29.245     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  27) @COL# 12 is -0.34900E-09 [REF] vs -0.36900E-09 [OUT] corresponding to  5.7307     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_DATA  : VALUE(#  70) @COL# 12 is -0.33400E-09 [REF] vs -0.35400E-09 [OUT] corresponding to  5.9880     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  6 is  0.39140E-05 [REF] vs  0.10830E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  176.70     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  6 is  0.10810E-04 [REF] vs  0.45200E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  58.187     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_up_DATA  : VALUE(#  27) @COL# 12 is -0.34800E-09 [REF] vs -0.36800E-09 [OUT] corresponding to  5.7307     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  7 is  0.38830E-05 [REF] vs  0.11090E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  185.60     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   8) @COL#  4 is   6189.0     [REF] vs   10210.     [OUT] corresponding to  28.257     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/05_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-05_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  98) @COL#  3 is -0.53960E-06 [REF] vs -0.39945E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  478.89     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/05_td_sex_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-05_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  77) @COL#  8 is  -37074.     [REF] vs  0.27673E+10 [OUT] corresponding to 0.74643E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_epl-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_epl.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 269) @COL#  8 is -0.88688E+06 [REF] vs  0.59290E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  166.85     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  2 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   9.4654     [OUT] corresponding to  152.18     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 999) @COL#  5 is   0.0000     [REF] vs -0.13470E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  6.7350     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  2 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   8324.0     [OUT] corresponding to  120.03     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/08_epc-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_epc.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  29) @COL#  8 is   97703.     [REF] vs   79819.     [OUT] corresponding to  18.304     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/09_epc_extra-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-09_epc_extra.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  29) @COL#  8 is   86869.     [REF] vs   77674.     [OUT] corresponding to  10.585     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/10_epc500K-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-10_epc500K.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  9 is   38666.     [REF] vs   10353.     [OUT] corresponding to  15.130     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/11_epcshift-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-11_epcshift.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  31) @COL# 10 is -0.26707E+06 [REF] vs  0.19517E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  173.08     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
% Section Duration : 1:30:5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-23-Mon - 05-14
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[(Threads=4)] - none
AlAs/RT/02_rt_sin-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_rt_sin.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#1553) @COL#  9 is   88812.     [REF] vs  -6492.1     [OUT] corresponding to  15.833     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/08_qssin_adaptative-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-08_qssin_adaptative.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#3688) @COL#  8 is -0.16899E+06 [REF] vs  -86345.     [OUT] corresponding to  37.004     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_tdh-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_tdh.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 211) @COL#  9 is  0.20846E-02 [REF] vs  -22.427     [OUT] corresponding to  234.11     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_tdh_coll-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_tdh_coll.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 838) @COL#  9 is -0.16967     [REF] vs  -3.3748     [OUT] corresponding to  886.65     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda.energy  : VALUE(# 927) @COL#  3 is  0.36528E-08 [REF] vs -0.16958E-07 [OUT] corresponding to  148.90     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  12) @COL#  9 is  0.68829E-02 [REF] vs   1.6936     [OUT] corresponding to  64.961     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_tdlda_coll-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_tdlda_coll.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   7) @COL#  9 is  -1.2969     [REF] vs   1.2405     [OUT] corresponding to  195.65     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_sort-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_sort.exc_I_sorted  : VALUE(#  22) @COL#  3 is   10.000     [REF] vs   27.000     [OUT] corresponding to  53.125     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_td_hf-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-05_td_hf.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  35) @COL#  8 is   2656.7     [REF] vs   3186.8     [OUT] corresponding to  11.946     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  19) @COL#  8 is   5096.6     [REF] vs   3550.5     [OUT] corresponding to  30.335     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_Gvec-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_Gvec.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 186) @COL#  8 is   2910.4     [REF] vs  -1915.7     [OUT] corresponding to  133.01     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  48) @COL#  3 is  0.50883E-05 [REF] vs  0.87246E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  71.465     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 163) @COL#  8 is  -269.93     [REF] vs -0.25582E+10 [OUT] corresponding to 0.11467E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_td_sex_vel-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_vel.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 190) @COL# 10 is   9133.9     [REF] vs -0.10412E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  1239.9     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/07_td_sex_restart-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_td_sex_restart.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  75) @COL# 10 is  -81204.     [REF] vs  -32356.     [OUT] corresponding to  60.155     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_td_sex_DbGd_fake-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-09_td_sex_DbGd_fake.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 142) @COL# 10 is -0.42018E+07 [REF] vs -0.15164E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  96.391     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_td_sex_dbgd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-11_td_sex_dbgd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  57) @COL#  8 is   114.81     [REF] vs   15899.     [OUT] corresponding to  8.9349     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   4) @COL#  2 is  0.50436E-09 [REF] vs  0.62732E-09 [OUT] corresponding to  17.025     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  8 is   733.34     [REF] vs   789.76     [OUT] corresponding to  7.6925     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_td_ip_vel-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_td_ip_vel.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  60) @COL#  8 is  -9123.7     [REF] vs  -13638.     [OUT] corresponding to  11.337     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  45) @COL#  8 is  -57380.     [REF] vs   28832.     [OUT] corresponding to  150.25     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  15) @COL#  8 is  -86902.     [REF] vs   15063.     [OUT] corresponding to  117.33     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  42) @COL#  4 is  0.18316E-08 [REF] vs -0.12458E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  46198.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_td_sex_on_the_fly-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  38) @COL#  8 is   8261.1     [REF] vs -0.45536E+09 [OUT] corresponding to 0.47674E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ep-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ep.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  99) @COL#  8 is  0.16419E+06 [REF] vs  -2521.2     [OUT] corresponding to  101.54     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   6) @COL#  2 is   22140.     [REF] vs   7.7310     [OUT] corresponding to  44.559     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_EP_widths_ratio_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 969) @COL#  2 is -0.35760E-06 [REF] vs -0.47680E-06 [OUT] corresponding to  12.499     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 253) @COL# 11 is   1.0000     [REF] vs  0.12120     [OUT] corresponding to  87.880     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_dn_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 965) @COL# 10 is -0.71530E-06 [REF] vs -0.59600E-06 [OUT] corresponding to  14.296     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 247) @COL#  7 is -0.98110E-04 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  100.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 443) @COL#  4 is  0.22440E-04 [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.44463E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#  10) @COL#  7 is   279.90     [REF] vs  0.82890E+08 [OUT] corresponding to 0.23284E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ep_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-08_ep_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  33) @COL#  8 is  -47206.     [REF] vs   93881.     [OUT] corresponding to  180.93     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_dos_occ_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_dos_occ_DbGd.YPP-2D_occ_dos  : VALUE(# 121) @COL#  2 is  0.80000     [REF] vs -0.79000     [OUT] corresponding to  53.000     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(# 636) @COL#  2 is  0.10000E-06 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  17.221     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_fit_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_up_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#1000) @COL# 11 is -0.25930E-03 [REF] vs -0.23240E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  10.374     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ypp_plot_occ_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-08_ypp_plot_occ_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_k3_kRT16_b24  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  7 is   33.100     [REF] vs   14.400     [OUT] corresponding to  43.503     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_elel.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   19449.     [REF] vs   19449.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.20703E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_elel.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  89) @COL# 10 is -0.15789E+06 [REF] vs  0.19736E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  225.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elel_SEX-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_elel_SEX.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   25180.     [REF] vs   25181.     [OUT] corresponding to  79102.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_fit_elel-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_fit_elel.YPP-RT_NEQ_linewidths  : VALUE(#   1) @COL# 11 is -0.17440E-01 [REF] vs -0.13890E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  20.356     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel+elph_0K-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_elel+elph_0K.energy  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   1.7520     [REF] vs  0.76698     [OUT] corresponding to  56.222     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel_plasma-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_elel_plasma.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  74) @COL#  9 is  -78944.     [REF] vs  0.19736E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  140.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  5 is  -1.2875     [REF] vs  0.40903     [OUT] corresponding to  28.031     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_EE_widths_ratio_FIT_electrons  : VALUE(#  26) @COL#  3 is  0.57277     [REF] vs   1.9936     [OUT] corresponding to  223.34     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_NEQ_linewidths  : VALUE(#   1) @COL# 11 is -0.10040E-01 [REF] vs -0.55750E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  44.472     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   2) @COL#  5 is   19590.     [REF] vs   313.50     [OUT] corresponding to  35.402     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_elph_0K_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_elph_0K_DbGd.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  67) @COL# 10 is  0.13117E+07 [REF] vs  0.12121E+07 [OUT] corresponding to  7.5955     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#  11) @COL#  4 is   0.0000     [REF] vs  -1.2262     [OUT] corresponding to 0.61310E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_EP_widths_ratio_FIT_holes  : VALUE(#1000) @COL# 12 is   0.0000     [REF] vs  -1.9993     [OUT] corresponding to 0.99965E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 847) @COL# 12 is  -1.1229     [REF] vs -0.92675     [OUT] corresponding to  9.8186     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  4 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   2681.0     [OUT] corresponding to 0.13405E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/12_elph_0K_field-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-12_elph_0K_field.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 112) @COL#  8 is -0.14609E+08 [REF] vs -0.10957E+08 [OUT] corresponding to  25.000     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/13_elph_0K_field_ad-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-13_elph_0K_field_ad.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 112) @COL#  8 is -0.14609E+08 [REF] vs -0.10957E+08 [OUT] corresponding to  25.000     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/14_plot_0K_field_ad-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-14_plot_0K_field_ad.YPP-RT_occupations_k2_kRT2_b2  : VALUE(# 186) @COL#  4 is -0.25343E-04 [REF] vs -0.22967E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  6.8186     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/14_plot_0K_field_ad-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-14_plot_0K_field_ad.YPP-RT_occupations_k3_kRT3_b2  : VALUE(# 187) @COL#  4 is -0.44350E-04 [REF] vs -0.34850E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  17.641     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/15_td_sex-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-15_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 233) @COL#  9 is   39472.     [REF] vs  -9868.0     [OUT] corresponding to  125.00     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_using_colls-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_h_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  3 is  0.23242     [REF] vs  0.40001E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  232.02     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_td_sex-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_td_sex.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 409) @COL#  8 is  0.61471E+08 [REF] vs -0.66313E+07 [OUT] corresponding to  110.79     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   4) @COL#  2 is   11.628     [REF] vs   13.801     [OUT] corresponding to  14.646     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/04_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   4) @COL#  2 is   8005.0     [REF] vs   9414.0     [OUT] corresponding to  13.909     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/05_td_sex_on_the_fly-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-05_td_sex_on_the_fly.energy  : VALUE(#  98) @COL#  3 is -0.53960E-06 [REF] vs -0.39934E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  478.73     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/05_td_sex_on_the_fly-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-05_td_sex_on_the_fly.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  77) @COL#  8 is  -37074.     [REF] vs  0.28931E+10 [OUT] corresponding to 0.78037E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_epl-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_epl.thermodynamics  : VALUE(# 269) @COL#  8 is -0.88688E+06 [REF] vs  0.13943E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  115.72     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_E_Fermi  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  2 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   9.4129     [OUT] corresponding to  151.34     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_occupations_FIT_holes  : VALUE(# 999) @COL#  5 is   0.0000     [REF] vs -0.13470E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  6.7350     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_ypp_fit_occ-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp_fit_occ.YPP-RT_Temperatures  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  2 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   8278.0     [OUT] corresponding to  119.37     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/08_epc-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-08_epc.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  29) @COL#  8 is   97703.     [REF] vs   87483.     [OUT] corresponding to  10.460     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/10_epc500K-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-10_epc500K.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  31) @COL#  9 is  0.18713E+06 [REF] vs  0.26215E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  40.094     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/11_epcshift-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-11_epcshift.thermodynamics  : VALUE(#  31) @COL# 10 is -0.26707E+06 [REF] vs  0.19709E+06 [OUT] corresponding to  173.80     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
% Section Duration : 1:45:21 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% TOTAL   Duration : 7:44:20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Yambo test suite RULES-SUCC files log
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-22-Sun - 23-26
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[serial] - none
AlAs/RT/06_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.19647E+06 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.98236E+11 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/07_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  -8715.7     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.43578E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/09_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  -1144.4     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.57219E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/09_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.87377E-03 [REF] vs  0.84842E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  12.677     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/01_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-01_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.15331E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.76657E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.46673E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.23336E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_ypp_coll-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.25347E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.12673E+15 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.13389E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.66946E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_ypp_coll-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.39610E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.19805E+15 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/03_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.14360E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.71798E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.74109E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37054E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 340) @COL#  3 is  0.37756E-06 [REF] vs  0.11044E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  5.3333     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp_coll-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.77907E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.38954E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp_coll-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_coll.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 323) @COL#  3 is -0.12148E-01 [REF] vs -0.12159E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  5.0836     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-05_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.40120E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.20060E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-05_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is  0.31988E-03 [REF] vs  0.57835E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  129.23     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is -0.14297E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.71484E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is  0.38351E-03 [REF] vs  0.11282E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  372.35     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_Gvec-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_Gvec.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is -0.35314E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.17657E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_Gvec-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_Gvec.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 352) @COL#  6 is  0.28143E-01 [REF] vs  0.28155E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  5.5349     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.21770E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.10885E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is -0.85547E-03 [REF] vs -0.27076E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  292.35     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-11_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.63535E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.31768E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-11_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 236) @COL#  3 is   1.5659     [REF] vs   1.5659     [OUT] corresponding to  5.5432     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.88423E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.44211E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 719) @COL#  3 is -0.56960E-04 [REF] vs -0.46759E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  5.1001     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.79863E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.39932E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 679) @COL#  3 is -0.12221     [REF] vs -0.12220     [OUT] corresponding to  5.0105     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  -10447.     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.52235E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 657) @COL#  3 is -0.30417E-02 [REF] vs -0.30309E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  5.4062     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  -10447.     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.52235E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 657) @COL#  3 is -0.30417E-02 [REF] vs -0.30309E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  5.4062     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is   7593.8     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37969E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 660) @COL#  3 is -0.42708E-02 [REF] vs -0.42605E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  5.1246     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ep-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_ep.carriers  : VALUE(# 105) @COL#  6 is   1561.3     [REF] vs  -0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.78067E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ep_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-08_ep_DbGd.carriers  : VALUE(# 105) @COL#  6 is   3911.9     [REF] vs  -0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.19559E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/ELPH/base/03_OMS_RIM-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_OMS_RIM.qp  : VALUE(#   5) @COL#  7 is  -7.7840     [REF] vs  -7.6895     [OUT] corresponding to  47215.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/ELPH/base_for_BSE/03_OMS_RIM-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_OMS_RIM.qp  : VALUE(#  64) @COL#  7 is  -16.700     [REF] vs  -15.580     [OUT] corresponding to 0.56000E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K.carriers  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  6 is   12617.     [REF] vs   12617.     [OUT] corresponding to  2441.4     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K.mean_EPlifetimes  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  5 is   9377.0     [REF] vs   9377.0     [OUT] corresponding to  1464.8     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K_adaptative-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K_adaptative.carriers  : VALUE(# 175) @COL#  6 is   12794.     [REF] vs   12794.     [OUT] corresponding to  488.28     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_300K-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_300K.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   45153.     [REF] vs   45153.     [OUT] corresponding to  1953.1     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elph_0K_ad_restart-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_elph_0K_ad_restart.carriers  : VALUE(# 157) @COL#  6 is   5886.4     [REF] vs   5886.4     [OUT] corresponding to  976.56     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elph_0K_restart-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_elph_0K_restart.carriers  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  6 is   5834.8     [REF] vs   5834.8     [OUT] corresponding to  732.42     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_fit_elel-serial-devel-slepc/o-03_fit_elel.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  11) @COL# 12 is  0.52966     [REF] vs  0.52967     [OUT] corresponding to  6.4969     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel+elph_0K-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_elel+elph_0K.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   20286.     [REF] vs   20286.     [OUT] corresponding to  30078.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel_plasma-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_elel_plasma.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   19745.     [REF] vs   19744.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.29883E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-serial-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  11) @COL# 12 is  0.52419     [REF] vs  0.52420     [OUT] corresponding to  5.9903     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_carriers_fit_DB_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_carriers_fit_DB_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#1206) @COL#  1 is   9.9393     [REF] vs   10.030     [OUT] corresponding to  45156.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_elph_0K_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_elph_0K_DbGd.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   5181.0     [REF] vs   5188.5     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37458E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#1206) @COL#  1 is   9.9393     [REF] vs   10.030     [OUT] corresponding to  45156.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/12_elph_0K_field-serial-devel-slepc/o-12_elph_0K_field.carriers  : VALUE(# 301) @COL#  6 is   143.33     [REF] vs   15992.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.79242E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/13_elph_0K_field_ad-serial-devel-slepc/o-13_elph_0K_field_ad.carriers  : VALUE(# 492) @COL#  6 is   1869.7     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.93486E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h-serial-devel-slepc/o-01_h.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   49.178     [REF] vs   49.189     [OUT] corresponding to  10.799     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_coh_sex-serial-devel-slepc/o-01_h_coh_sex.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   11.251     [REF] vs   10.056     [OUT] corresponding to  1194.9     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_f-serial-devel-slepc/o-01_h_f.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   20.692     [REF] vs   17.000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.4     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_lda_x-serial-devel-slepc/o-01_h_lda_x.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   8.1131     [REF] vs   8.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  113.09     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/02_h_coh_sex_empties-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_h_coh_sex_empties.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   9.6397     [REF] vs   9.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.63     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/02_h_f_no_precond-serial-devel-slepc/o-02_h_f_no_precond.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   17.692     [REF] vs   14.000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.3     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/05_h_coh_sex_h_free_colls-serial-devel-slepc/o-05_h_coh_sex_h_free_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   3.6392     [REF] vs   3.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.06     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/05_h_f_using_h_free_colls-serial-devel-slepc/o-05_h_f_using_h_free_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   6.6927     [REF] vs   3.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.7     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_coh_sex_using_colls-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_h_coh_sex_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   3.6392     [REF] vs   3.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.09     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_f_using_colls-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_h_f_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   6.6927     [REF] vs   3.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.7     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/06_ypp-serial-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.18169E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.90844E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_epl-serial-devel-slepc/o-07_epl.carriers  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  5 is   2321.4     [REF] vs   2321.3     [OUT] corresponding to  49316.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/08_epc-serial-devel-slepc/o-08_epc.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  5 is   2364.7     [REF] vs   2364.7     [OUT] corresponding to  244.14     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/09_epc_extra-serial-devel-slepc/o-09_epc_extra.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  6 is   6190.3     [REF] vs  -0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.30952E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/10_epc500K-serial-devel-slepc/o-10_epc500K.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  5 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   8196.4     [OUT] corresponding to 0.40982E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/11_epcshift-serial-devel-slepc/o-11_epcshift.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  6 is   6265.9     [REF] vs   6265.9     [OUT] corresponding to  9521.5     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
% Section Duration : 1:58:12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-23-Mon - 01-14
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[(N=4)] - single, random parallelization
Al_bulk/GW-OPTICS/02_Lifetimes-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_Lifetimes.qp  : VALUE(# 114) @COL#  5 is   442.11     [REF] vs   442.11     [OUT] corresponding to  61.035     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/06_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.19647E+06 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.98236E+11 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/07_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  -8715.7     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.43578E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/09_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  -1144.4     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.57219E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/09_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.87377E-03 [REF] vs  0.85211E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  10.832     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/01_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-01_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.15331E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.76657E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.46673E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.23336E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_ypp_coll-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.25347E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.12673E+15 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.13389E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.66946E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_ypp_coll-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.39610E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.19805E+15 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp.exc_weights_at_1  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  4 is   4.0000     [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.15000E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp.exc_weights_at_2  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  4 is   4.0000     [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.15000E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp.exc_weights_at_3  : VALUE(#   9) @COL#  4 is   1.0000     [REF] vs   4.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.15000E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp.exc_weights_at_4  : VALUE(#   9) @COL#  4 is   1.0000     [REF] vs   4.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.15000E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/03_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.14360E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.71798E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.74109E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37054E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 330) @COL#  6 is  0.17783E-05 [REF] vs -0.93040E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  5.5412     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp_coll-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.77907E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.38954E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp_coll-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_coll.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 323) @COL#  3 is -0.12148E-01 [REF] vs -0.12159E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  5.0832     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-05_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.40120E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.20060E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-05_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is  0.31988E-03 [REF] vs  0.57835E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  129.23     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is -0.14297E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.71484E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is  0.38351E-03 [REF] vs  0.11290E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  372.74     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_Gvec-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_Gvec.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is -0.35314E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.17657E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_Gvec-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_Gvec.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 332) @COL#  6 is  0.48522E-01 [REF] vs  0.48511E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  5.5004     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_vel-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_vel.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 462) @COL#  3 is -0.65171E-06 [REF] vs  0.96186E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  5.1351     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.21770E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.10885E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is -0.85547E-03 [REF] vs -0.27370E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  290.88     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-11_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.63535E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.31768E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-11_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is  0.12165     [REF] vs  0.12188     [OUT] corresponding to  114.75     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.88423E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.44211E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 719) @COL#  3 is -0.56960E-04 [REF] vs -0.46759E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  5.1001     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.79863E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.39932E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 679) @COL#  3 is -0.12221     [REF] vs -0.12220     [OUT] corresponding to  5.0105     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  -10447.     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.52235E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  3 is -0.84062E-03 [REF] vs -0.86739E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  13.388     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  -10447.     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.52235E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  3 is -0.84062E-03 [REF] vs -0.86739E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  13.388     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is   7593.8     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37969E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 660) @COL#  3 is -0.42708E-02 [REF] vs -0.42605E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  5.1246     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ep-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ep.carriers  : VALUE(# 105) @COL#  6 is   1561.3     [REF] vs  -0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.78067E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ep_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ep_DbGd.carriers  : VALUE(# 105) @COL#  6 is   3911.9     [REF] vs   1105.1     [OUT] corresponding to 0.14034E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/ELPH/base/03_OMS_RIM-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_OMS_RIM.qp  : VALUE(#   5) @COL#  7 is  -7.7840     [REF] vs  -7.6809     [OUT] corresponding to  51535.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/ELPH/base_for_BSE/03_OMS_RIM-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_OMS_RIM.qp  : VALUE(#  64) @COL#  7 is  -16.700     [REF] vs  -15.570     [OUT] corresponding to 0.56500E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K.carriers  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  6 is   12617.     [REF] vs   12617.     [OUT] corresponding to  2441.4     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K.mean_EPlifetimes  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  5 is   9377.0     [REF] vs   9377.0     [OUT] corresponding to  2441.4     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K_adaptative-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K_adaptative.carriers  : VALUE(# 175) @COL#  6 is   12794.     [REF] vs   12794.     [OUT] corresponding to  488.28     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_300K-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_300K.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   45153.     [REF] vs   45153.     [OUT] corresponding to  23438.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_fit_elph_300K-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_fit_elph_300K.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  10) @COL# 12 is  0.34479     [REF] vs  0.34478     [OUT] corresponding to  5.0068     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elph_0K_ad_restart-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_elph_0K_ad_restart.carriers  : VALUE(# 157) @COL#  6 is   5886.4     [REF] vs   5886.4     [OUT] corresponding to  1464.8     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elph_0K_restart-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_elph_0K_restart.carriers  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  6 is   5834.8     [REF] vs   5834.8     [OUT] corresponding to  1464.8     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_fit_elel-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-03_fit_elel.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  11) @COL# 10 is  0.52968     [REF] vs  0.52967     [OUT] corresponding to  5.9903     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel+elph_0K-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_elel+elph_0K.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   20286.     [REF] vs   20287.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.21738E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_elel_plasma.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   19745.     [REF] vs   19744.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.29492E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel+elph_0K-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel+elph_0K.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  11) @COL# 12 is  0.53533     [REF] vs  0.53532     [OUT] corresponding to  7.0035     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  11) @COL# 12 is  0.52419     [REF] vs  0.52420     [OUT] corresponding to  5.5134     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_carriers_fit_DB_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_carriers_fit_DB_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#1206) @COL#  1 is   9.9393     [REF] vs   10.030     [OUT] corresponding to  45156.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#1206) @COL#  1 is   9.9393     [REF] vs   10.030     [OUT] corresponding to  45156.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/13_elph_0K_field_ad-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-13_elph_0K_field_ad.carriers  : VALUE(# 492) @COL#  6 is   1869.7     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.93486E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_coh_sex-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-01_h_coh_sex.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   11.251     [REF] vs   10.056     [OUT] corresponding to  1194.9     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_f-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-01_h_f.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   20.692     [REF] vs   17.000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.4     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_lda_x-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-01_h_lda_x.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   8.1131     [REF] vs   8.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  113.09     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/02_h_coh_sex_empties-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_h_coh_sex_empties.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   9.6397     [REF] vs   9.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.62     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/02_h_f_no_precond-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-02_h_f_no_precond.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   17.692     [REF] vs   14.000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.3     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/05_h_coh_sex_h_free_colls-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-05_h_coh_sex_h_free_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   3.6392     [REF] vs   3.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.06     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/05_h_f_using_h_free_colls-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-05_h_f_using_h_free_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   6.6927     [REF] vs   3.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.7     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_coh_sex_using_colls-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_h_coh_sex_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   3.6392     [REF] vs   3.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.09     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_f_using_colls-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_h_f_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   6.6927     [REF] vs   3.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.7     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/06_ypp-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.18169E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.90844E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_epl-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-07_epl.carriers  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  5 is   2321.4     [REF] vs   2321.3     [OUT] corresponding to  49316.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/08_epc-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-08_epc.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  5 is   2364.7     [REF] vs   2364.7     [OUT] corresponding to  244.14     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/09_epc_extra-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-09_epc_extra.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  6 is   6190.3     [REF] vs  -0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.30952E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/10_epc500K-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-10_epc500K.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  5 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   8196.4     [OUT] corresponding to 0.40982E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/11_epcshift-Nmpi4-rand_par-devel-slepc/o-11_epcshift.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  6 is   6265.9     [REF] vs   6265.9     [OUT] corresponding to  7080.1     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
% Section Duration : 2:30:43 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-23-Mon - 03-44
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[(N=4)] - single, default parallelization
Al_bulk/GW-OPTICS/02_Lifetimes-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_Lifetimes.qp  : VALUE(# 116) @COL#  5 is   52.561     [REF] vs   52.561     [OUT] corresponding to  15.259     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/06_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.19647E+06 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.98236E+11 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/07_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  -8715.7     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.43578E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/09_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  -1144.4     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.57219E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/09_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.87377E-03 [REF] vs  0.85211E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  10.832     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/01_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-01_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.15331E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.76657E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.46673E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.23336E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_ypp_coll-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.25347E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.12673E+15 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.13389E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.66946E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_ypp_coll-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.39610E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.19805E+15 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp.exc_weights_at_1  : VALUE(#   6) @COL#  4 is   4.0000     [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.15000E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp.exc_weights_at_2  : VALUE(#   6) @COL#  4 is   4.0000     [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.15000E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/03_td_ip_induced-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_td_ip_induced.induced_field  : VALUE(#1201) @COL#  3 is  -11.989     [REF] vs  -12.415     [OUT] corresponding to 0.21298E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/03_td_ip_induced-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_td_ip_induced.total_field  : VALUE(#1201) @COL#  3 is  -11.989     [REF] vs  -12.415     [OUT] corresponding to 0.21298E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/03_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.14360E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.71798E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.74109E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37054E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 327) @COL#  3 is -0.16668E-05 [REF] vs  0.91175E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  5.3921     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp_coll-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.77907E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.38954E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp_coll-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_coll.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 323) @COL#  3 is -0.12148E-01 [REF] vs -0.12159E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  5.0832     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-05_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.40120E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.20060E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-05_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is  0.31988E-03 [REF] vs  0.57835E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  129.24     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is -0.14297E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.71484E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is  0.38351E-03 [REF] vs  0.11300E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  373.22     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_Gvec-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_Gvec.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is -0.35314E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.17657E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_Gvec-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_Gvec.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is -0.32053E-02 [REF] vs -0.32172E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  5.9939     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_vel-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_vel.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  3 is  0.98881E-03 [REF] vs  0.10021E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  6.6366     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.21770E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.10885E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is -0.85547E-03 [REF] vs -0.27331E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  291.08     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-11_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.63535E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.31768E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-11_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is  0.12165     [REF] vs  0.12188     [OUT] corresponding to  114.21     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.88423E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.44211E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 719) @COL#  3 is -0.56960E-04 [REF] vs -0.46756E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  5.1020     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.79863E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.39932E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 676) @COL#  3 is -0.12346     [REF] vs -0.12345     [OUT] corresponding to  5.0180     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  -10447.     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.52235E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  3 is -0.84062E-03 [REF] vs -0.86747E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  13.424     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  -10447.     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.52235E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  3 is -0.84062E-03 [REF] vs -0.86747E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  13.424     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is   7593.8     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37969E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 664) @COL#  3 is -0.40261E-02 [REF] vs -0.40160E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  5.0531     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ep-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_ep.carriers  : VALUE(# 105) @COL#  6 is   1561.3     [REF] vs  -0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.78067E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ep_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_ep_DbGd.carriers  : VALUE(# 105) @COL#  6 is   3911.9     [REF] vs   1104.9     [OUT] corresponding to 0.14035E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/ELPH/base/03_OMS_RIM-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_OMS_RIM.qp  : VALUE(#   5) @COL#  7 is  -7.7840     [REF] vs  -7.6473     [OUT] corresponding to  68325.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/ELPH/base_for_BSE/03_OMS_RIM-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_OMS_RIM.qp  : VALUE(#  64) @COL#  7 is  -16.700     [REF] vs  -15.570     [OUT] corresponding to 0.56500E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K.carriers  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  6 is   12617.     [REF] vs   12617.     [OUT] corresponding to  2441.4     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K.mean_EPlifetimes  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  5 is   9377.0     [REF] vs   9377.0     [OUT] corresponding to  2441.4     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K_adaptative-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K_adaptative.carriers  : VALUE(# 175) @COL#  6 is   12794.     [REF] vs   12794.     [OUT] corresponding to  1464.8     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_300K-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_300K.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   45153.     [REF] vs   45153.     [OUT] corresponding to  15625.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elph_0K_ad_restart-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_elph_0K_ad_restart.carriers  : VALUE(# 157) @COL#  6 is   5886.4     [REF] vs   5886.4     [OUT] corresponding to  1464.8     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elph_0K_restart-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_elph_0K_restart.carriers  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  6 is   5834.8     [REF] vs   5834.8     [OUT] corresponding to  732.42     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_fit_elel-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-03_fit_elel.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  11) @COL# 12 is  0.52966     [REF] vs  0.52967     [OUT] corresponding to  5.9903     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel+elph_0K-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_elel+elph_0K.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   20286.     [REF] vs   20286.     [OUT] corresponding to  42383.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_elel_plasma.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   19745.     [REF] vs   19744.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.29883E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel+elph_0K-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel+elph_0K.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  10) @COL#  7 is  0.55324     [REF] vs  0.55323     [OUT] corresponding to  5.0068     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  11) @COL# 12 is  0.52419     [REF] vs  0.52420     [OUT] corresponding to  5.5134     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_carriers_fit_DB_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_carriers_fit_DB_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#1206) @COL#  1 is   9.9393     [REF] vs   10.030     [OUT] corresponding to  45156.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_elph_0K_DbGd.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   5181.0     [REF] vs   5188.5     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37458E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#1206) @COL#  1 is   9.9393     [REF] vs   10.030     [OUT] corresponding to  45156.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/12_elph_0K_field-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-12_elph_0K_field.carriers  : VALUE(# 301) @COL#  6 is   143.33     [REF] vs   15992.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.79242E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/13_elph_0K_field_ad-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-13_elph_0K_field_ad.carriers  : VALUE(# 492) @COL#  6 is   1869.7     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.93486E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/15_ypp_abs-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-15_ypp_abs.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is -0.51637E-05 [REF] vs  0.23002E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  14.083     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/15_ypp_abs_vel-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-15_ypp_abs_vel.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.24634E-04 [REF] vs -0.47580E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  36.107     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_coh_sex-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-01_h_coh_sex.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   11.251     [REF] vs   10.056     [OUT] corresponding to  1194.9     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_f-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-01_h_f.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   20.692     [REF] vs   17.000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.4     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_lda_x-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-01_h_lda_x.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   8.1131     [REF] vs   8.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  113.09     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/02_h_coh_sex_empties-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_h_coh_sex_empties.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   9.6397     [REF] vs   9.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.63     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/02_h_f_no_precond-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-02_h_f_no_precond.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   17.692     [REF] vs   14.000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.3     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/05_h_coh_sex_h_free_colls-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-05_h_coh_sex_h_free_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   3.6392     [REF] vs   3.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.06     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/05_h_f_using_h_free_colls-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-05_h_f_using_h_free_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   6.6927     [REF] vs   3.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.7     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_coh_sex_using_colls-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_h_coh_sex_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   3.6392     [REF] vs   3.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.09     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_f_using_colls-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_h_f_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   6.6927     [REF] vs   3.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.7     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/06_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.18169E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.90844E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/06_ypp-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 955) @COL#  6 is -0.36347E-03 [REF] vs -0.37366E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  5.0939     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_epl-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_epl.carriers  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  5 is   2321.4     [REF] vs   2320.0     [OUT] corresponding to 0.71887E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_epl-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-07_epl.N_dN_E_conservation_factors  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  3 is  0.42178E-01 [REF] vs  0.42164E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  7.0967     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/08_epc-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_epc.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  5 is   2364.7     [REF] vs   2363.9     [OUT] corresponding to 0.39868E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/08_epc-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-08_epc.N_dN_E_conservation_factors  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  3 is  0.41199E-01 [REF] vs  0.41185E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  7.1283     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/09_epc_extra-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-09_epc_extra.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  6 is   6190.3     [REF] vs  -0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.30952E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/09_epc_extra-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-09_epc_extra.N_dN_E_conservation_factors  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  3 is  0.41311E-01 [REF] vs  0.41297E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  7.1470     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/10_epc500K-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-10_epc500K.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  5 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   8181.4     [OUT] corresponding to 0.40907E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/10_epc500K-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-10_epc500K.N_dN_E_conservation_factors  : VALUE(#  34) @COL#  5 is  0.26316E-01 [REF] vs  0.26303E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  6.5332     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/11_epcshift-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-11_epcshift.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  6 is   6265.9     [REF] vs   6267.1     [OUT] corresponding to 0.64380E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/11_epcshift-Nmpi4-def_par-devel-slepc/o-11_epcshift.N_dN_E_conservation_factors  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  3 is  0.40348E-01 [REF] vs  0.40334E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  6.9011     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
% Section Duration : 1:30:5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Running tests           :all
Projects                : sc rt pl elph kerr magnetic nl hard nopj qp-dbs p2y
Date - Time             :Jul-23-Mon - 05-14
Compilation Scheme      :gfortran_internal_SP.sh
Build                   :devel-slepc - MPI+SLK+OpenMP+SLEPC - OpenMPI - gfortran - rev.15623
MPI                     : Open MPI v1.10.2, package: Open MPI buildd@lgw01-57 Distribution, ident: 1.10.2, repo rev: v1.10.1-145-g799148f, Jan 21, 2016
Compilation Precision   :single
Parallel Conf           :[(Threads=4)] - none
Al_bulk/GW-OPTICS/02_Lifetimes-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_Lifetimes.qp  : VALUE(# 116) @COL#  5 is   52.561     [REF] vs   52.562     [OUT] corresponding to  34.332     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/06_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.19647E+06 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.98236E+11 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/07_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  -8715.7     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.43578E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/09_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  -1144.4     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.57219E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
AlAs/RT/09_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.87377E-03 [REF] vs  0.84842E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  12.677     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/01_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-01_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.15331E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.76657E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.46673E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.23336E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/02_ypp_coll-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.25347E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.12673E+15 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is  0.13389E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.66946E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
H2/RT/03_ypp_coll-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 500) @COL#  7 is -0.39610E+09 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.19805E+15 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp.exc_weights_at_1  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  4 is   4.0000     [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.15000E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/GW-OPTICS/06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_exc_wfs_pp.exc_weights_at_2  : VALUE(#   3) @COL#  4 is   4.0000     [REF] vs   1.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.15000E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/03_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.14360E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.71798E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.74109E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37054E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 340) @COL#  3 is  0.37756E-06 [REF] vs  0.11044E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  5.3333     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp_coll-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_coll.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.77907E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.38954E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/04_ypp_coll-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_coll.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 345) @COL#  6 is  0.23175E-03 [REF] vs  0.24204E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  5.1467     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-05_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.40120E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.20060E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/05_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-05_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is  0.31988E-03 [REF] vs  0.57936E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  129.74     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is -0.14297E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.71484E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is  0.38351E-03 [REF] vs  0.11337E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  375.10     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_Gvec-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_Gvec.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is -0.35314E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.17657E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_Gvec-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_Gvec.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 373) @COL#  6 is  0.15649E-01 [REF] vs  0.15639E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  5.1633     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/06_ypp_vel-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_vel.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 461) @COL#  3 is  0.51210E-06 [REF] vs  0.10598E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  5.0427     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.21770E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.10885E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/09_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-09_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is -0.85547E-03 [REF] vs -0.27122E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  292.12     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-11_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.63535E+07 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.31768E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
hBN/RT/11_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-11_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  3 is  0.67373E-01 [REF] vs  0.67327E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  22.862     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.88423E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.44211E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 719) @COL#  3 is -0.56960E-04 [REF] vs -0.46759E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  5.1001     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.79863E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.39932E+14 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/04_ypp_abs_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 679) @COL#  3 is -0.12221     [REF] vs -0.12220     [OUT] corresponding to  5.0105     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  -10447.     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.52235E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 901) @COL#  3 is  0.21717E-03 [REF] vs  0.22728E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  5.0538     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  -10447.     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.52235E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_DbGd.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 901) @COL#  3 is  0.21717E-03 [REF] vs  0.22728E-03 [OUT] corresponding to  5.0538     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is   7593.8     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37969E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp_abs_on_the_fly.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 663) @COL#  3 is -0.41577E-02 [REF] vs -0.41476E-02 [OUT] corresponding to  5.0664     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/07_ep-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_ep.carriers  : VALUE(# 105) @COL#  6 is   1561.3     [REF] vs   1547.2     [OUT] corresponding to 0.70637E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
MoS2/pwscf/RT/08_ep_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-08_ep_DbGd.carriers  : VALUE(# 105) @COL#  6 is   3911.9     [REF] vs  -0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.19559E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/ELPH/base/03_OMS_RIM-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_OMS_RIM.qp  : VALUE(#   5) @COL#  7 is  -7.7840     [REF] vs  -7.6676     [OUT] corresponding to  58195.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/ELPH/base_for_BSE/03_OMS_RIM-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_OMS_RIM.qp  : VALUE(#  64) @COL#  7 is  -16.700     [REF] vs  -15.580     [OUT] corresponding to 0.56000E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K.carriers  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  6 is   12617.     [REF] vs   12617.     [OUT] corresponding to  2441.4     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K.mean_EPlifetimes  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  5 is   9377.0     [REF] vs   9377.0     [OUT] corresponding to  1464.8     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_0K_adaptative-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_0K_adaptative.carriers  : VALUE(# 175) @COL#  6 is   12794.     [REF] vs   12794.     [OUT] corresponding to  488.28     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/02_elph_300K-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_elph_300K.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   45153.     [REF] vs   45153.     [OUT] corresponding to  1953.1     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elph_0K_ad_restart-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_elph_0K_ad_restart.carriers  : VALUE(# 157) @COL#  6 is   5886.4     [REF] vs   5886.4     [OUT] corresponding to  976.56     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_elph_0K_restart-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_elph_0K_restart.carriers  : VALUE(# 401) @COL#  6 is   5834.8     [REF] vs   5834.8     [OUT] corresponding to  732.42     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/03_fit_elel-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-03_fit_elel.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  11) @COL# 12 is  0.52966     [REF] vs  0.52967     [OUT] corresponding to  6.4969     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel+elph_0K-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_elel+elph_0K.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   20286.     [REF] vs   20286.     [OUT] corresponding to  15039.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_elel_plasma-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_elel_plasma.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   19745.     [REF] vs   19744.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.28906E+06 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/04_fit_elel_plasma-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-04_fit_elel_plasma.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#  11) @COL# 12 is  0.52419     [REF] vs  0.52420     [OUT] corresponding to  5.9903     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_carriers_fit_DB_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_carriers_fit_DB_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#1206) @COL#  1 is   9.9393     [REF] vs   10.030     [OUT] corresponding to  45156.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_elph_0K_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_elph_0K_DbGd.carriers  : VALUE(# 201) @COL#  6 is   5181.0     [REF] vs   5188.5     [OUT] corresponding to 0.37458E+07 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_fit_elph_0K_DbGd.YPP-RT_occupations_DATA  : VALUE(#1206) @COL#  1 is   9.9393     [REF] vs   10.030     [OUT] corresponding to  45156.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/12_elph_0K_field-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-12_elph_0K_field.carriers  : VALUE(# 301) @COL#  6 is   143.33     [REF] vs   15992.     [OUT] corresponding to 0.79242E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/13_elph_0K_field_ad-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-13_elph_0K_field_ad.carriers  : VALUE(# 492) @COL#  6 is   1869.7     [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.93486E+09 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/15_ypp_abs-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-15_ypp_abs.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  6 is -0.54178E-04 [REF] vs  0.27286E-04 [OUT] corresponding to  40.732     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/RT/15_ypp_abs_vel-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-15_ypp_abs_vel.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  7 is  0.24634E-04 [REF] vs  0.31090E-05 [OUT] corresponding to  10.763     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-01_h.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   49.178     [REF] vs   49.189     [OUT] corresponding to  10.799     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_coh_sex-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-01_h_coh_sex.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   11.251     [REF] vs   10.056     [OUT] corresponding to  1194.9     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_f-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-01_h_f.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   20.692     [REF] vs   17.000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.4     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/01_h_lda_x-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-01_h_lda_x.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   8.1131     [REF] vs   8.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  113.09     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/02_h_coh_sex_empties-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_h_coh_sex_empties.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   9.6397     [REF] vs   9.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.64     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/02_h_f_no_precond-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-02_h_f_no_precond.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   17.692     [REF] vs   14.000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.3     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/05_h_coh_sex_h_free_colls-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-05_h_coh_sex_h_free_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   3.6392     [REF] vs   3.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.06     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/05_h_f_using_h_free_colls-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-05_h_f_using_h_free_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   6.6927     [REF] vs   3.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.7     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_coh_sex_using_colls-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_h_coh_sex_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   3.6392     [REF] vs   3.0001     [OUT] corresponding to  639.09     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
Si_bulk/SC/06_h_f_using_colls-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_h_f_using_colls.SC_E_History  : VALUE(#   1) @COL#  1 is   6.6927     [REF] vs   3.0000     [OUT] corresponding to  3692.7     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/06_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eels_along_E  : VALUE(#1000) @COL#  7 is  0.18169E+08 [REF] vs   0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.90844E+13 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/06_ypp-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-06_ypp.YPP-eps_along_E  : VALUE(# 459) @COL#  3 is  0.12105E-01 [REF] vs  0.12095E-01 [OUT] corresponding to  5.0645     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/07_epl-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-07_epl.carriers  : VALUE(# 501) @COL#  5 is   2321.4     [REF] vs   2321.3     [OUT] corresponding to  49316.     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/08_epc-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-08_epc.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  5 is   2364.7     [REF] vs   2364.7     [OUT] corresponding to  244.14     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/09_epc_extra-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-09_epc_extra.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  6 is   6190.3     [REF] vs  -0.0000     [OUT] corresponding to 0.30952E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/10_epc500K-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-10_epc500K.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  5 is   0.0000     [REF] vs   8196.4     [OUT] corresponding to 0.40982E+10 [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
WSe2/RT/11_epcshift-Omp4-devel-slepc/o-11_epcshift.carriers  : VALUE(#  51) @COL#  6 is   6265.9     [REF] vs   6265.8     [OUT] corresponding to  6835.9     [% RELATIVE TO MAX]   
% Section Duration : 1:45:21 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% TOTAL   Duration : 7:44:20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%